Saturday, November 26, 2005

Pied piper's call

When le Enchanteur is in Pied Piper mode there is electricity in the air and Pegasus cannot resist coming to take someone with her, on the wings of imagination. Le Enchanteur is playing a tune that the hardiest of travellers will find hard to resist. Follow her and go for a night ride, beyond that Harvest Moon, with Pegasus. Pegasus will take you anywhere in the world. He is yours for the night.

Get yourselves up and moving off early to the Sunday Market at the Archipelago.
Le Enchanteur is offering a special divination deal this Sunday. You will have to contact her to enter her tent and participate and gain self insight.

All roads lead to the Market Place on Sundays. Catch a raven, a donkey, a ferry or whatever means of transport available.

And now! Simply enjoy the realm. We will have a Maidens jaunt to the Amazon
Queen's palace for old time's sake but not for a week or so.


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