Thursday, October 20, 2005

Settling in at the Hermitage

Actually! It is timely to break the news that everyone is going to have to make themselves comfortable in the Hermitage for at least a few days. Wild storms down the valley are causing havoc and mud slides mean we will be stuck here for awhile. Even the Amazon riders are not going to head back to camp. I fled up here on a Raven's back after I sang to the Frog Goddess and her waters broke. The rivers are swirling and flooding and we really must stay on high ground. Even the House of the Serpents is not secure for the moment and residents have been seen leaving for higher ground.
So! If folk want to sign up for an artist retreat while you kill time just let me know and I will sign you up to the Hermitage Art Room - which is the new name for the old Soul Food Cafe Art Room. All the archives of the old group will remain but it will be refurbished and given fresh life.

The first project is to photograph, sketch, collage, sculpt, and paint something for the Hermitage. You might walk along that lovely beach path and find a spot or sit quietly in some part of the Hermitage. Feel free to get out and about and explore.

While you all do that I am going to set about setting up some more venues, will weave some more of my spider web. I have made myself a big list and should be sorted by the time the storms clear and the rehearsals are over.

Now Sibyl! Would you get out of that bath-house and make yourself useful darling. There are rehearsals to supervise and...

love Heather

Hello Everyone
Word has come through that the paths are passable and we will leave the Hermitage after the rehearsals have finished. The Amazonian Campers will be leaving for the Amazon Queen's camp, while the Cave of the Enchantress group will be wending their way back to the House of the Serpent for more festivities. Instructions about departure times will come through soon and you must be ready to leave at short notice.

Before leaving make sure to visit the Hermitage Art Room which Leonie Bryant is looking after and have a bath in the expansive bath-house. We should have Karen's bath-house page up soon.


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