Thursday, October 20, 2005

Dinner is served

Greetings Travellers

Well it is good to see that you have all managed to find your way to the House of Serpents. The Mistress of this house has many faces and she will reveal those in due course. We will be here for at least a week so please make yourself comfortable and be sure to avail yourself of the postcard stand and send word back to Soul Food that you have arrived safely.

You will note that I have been dragged into the twenty first century and have become computer literate. Heather helped me set up my own email account and I have even signed up for blogger. What an achievement for me.
Fate is smiling upon you all. It so happens that we have arrived here at the House of the Serpent in time for special New Year festivities, beginning with the Day of the Serpents.

The Day of the Serpents is the day when serpents come from the forest to the house. On this day the people who live here shake the apple trees in the orchard so that they will be bear more fruit and wake the bees from their winter sleep.

The awakening of the snakes corresponds with the awakening of nature, the beginning of life, the awakening of creativity and general creative regeneration.

Honoured as deities the snakes are invited to eat with us. Crawling out from their slumber they lie on the banquet table and make themselves comfortable. After tasting a little from every dish they return to their holes.

This year you are invited to participate. You watch fascinated as the snakes emerge to join us at the filled banquet table, sample the food and then slither back to their holes. Once the snakes leave you sit down and enjoy the banquet, chatting with everyone, meeting the local resident seated beside you.

The resident tells you how it is now predestined that everyone who eats from the table will enjoy creative fertility and you marvel at the concept. Custom demands that in return for this gift, in return for being blessed by the snakes, you must perform for the veiled Gorgon who sits on a throne made of red coral. The residents points to the Pandora's dressing room which is full to overflowing with wigs, hats, costumes, masks and props and tells you that performers whose voice is authentic not only witness the Gorgon remove one of her masks but are given a piece of wisdom. Be wary Alex! No man has ever lifted the veil that covers her 'real' self


1. Prepare a presentation for the Gorgon

2. Write a news report that can be included in the Duwamish Courier

good luck


Songs for the Gorgon

Oh Travellers
The Gorgon is clearly happy with the songs that have been sung already for she is unleashing snakes as gifts for singers.

After you have sung you will meet your snake who will be your companion for the remainder of your time in The House of the Serpent.

The Gorgon has not done this before. She must be impressed.

Waiting, with anticipatory pleasure for more songs

Sibyl E.


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